One of the easiest things you can do for your health is drink enough water. There are countless health benefits to this simple action that I will outline below. Knowing these facts, I started drinking 100oz of water a day and have experienced the positive results for sure. I know 100oz sounds like a lot (yep it’s almost a gallon), but with just a little prep and intention it’s not as hard as it sounds. And what I’ve learned through drinking this much water a day is that my body actually craves it now. Okay, so first I’m going to spell out all the benefits of drinking enough water and then tips on how I manage to drink 100oz of water a day. Even if you’re not a fan of water, I think some of these tips will make it a lot more interesting and fun for how to drink more water!
Before I dig into the significance of drinking enough water, it’s important to discuss how much water you should have every day. The common recommendation is to drink half your body weight in ounces a day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water a day. However, if you exercise and/or sweat a lot you should drink more. I’ll let you figure out what that amount would be for you, but I’d say 100oz for most adults is a safe bet.
One of the first things I noticed when I started drinking more water was how hydrated and radiant my skin was. Your skin is your largest organ and about 60% of your body is made up of water, so when your organs aren’t getting enough water they can’t function properly. Dehydration can leave your skin flakey, tight, and dry, making it more prone to breakouts and aging. Drinking water helps improve complexion, clear breakouts, reduce wrinkles and puffiness and so much more.
Feel like you can’t stop snacking? The truth is that sometimes people confuse thirst and hunger, often times thinking they’re hungry when they’re actually thirsty. Now, obviously don’t drink water instead of eating if you truly are hungry, but if you find yourself mindlessly snacking check in with yourself if you’re actually hungry or just thirsty. Keep a bottle of water around for when you get fidgety as well, since that can also lead to mindless snacking.
Whenever I feel fatigued, one of the first things I ask myself is if I’ve had enough water that day. When you’re dehydrated, your blood volume lowers, which means you don’t get as much blood to your brain and your heart has to pump harder
I think we all are familiar with this one. “Drink fluid and get rest” is one of the most common recommendations for when you’re sick. Fluids act as a decongestant and help transport sickness-fighting properties throughout your body.
Water helps flush toxins out of your body. When you drink enough water your body’s waste processing system works smoothly, however when you don’t drink enough water you put extra strain on your kidneys.
Drinking water helps you stay regular and keeps stomach acids in check. However, drinking a lot of water at meals can dilute stomach acids making it more difficult to digest. With that in mind, try to get the bulk of your water consumption in in between meals.
My absolute favorite tool for getting enough water in every day is the My Water app. It’s a free tool that helps you drink enough water by reminding you to drink on time and keeping track of your progress. You can set your ounce goal and log different drinks based on their water coefficient. I enjoy a LaCroix or two during the day and didn’t realize it wasn’t a 1 for 1 match for water!
Also, having a cute reusable water cup or water bottle helps a lot! I try to refill my water bottle or cup every time I finish it, and I always bring a water bottle with me when I’m out and about.
I LOVE drinking from a straw and always seem to drink more when I do. While disposable straws are easy, investing in some reusable ones will help cut down on waste, and they look prettier in my opinion.
You may be thinking, “This all sounds great, but water is boring.” I totally can relate, and I’ve got you! You don’t have to drink plain water in order for it to count. This is where I love the My Water app. You log all your beverages, not just water, and it will tell you how much water you get from it.
You can also add flavor to your water. Herbal teas have no caffeine (which can dehydrate you), and have other great health benefits. Enjoy herbal tea hot in cooler months or make a big batch of iced herbal tea to drink throughout the week.
One of my favorite ways to flavor water is infusing it with fruit and herbs. You can simply add some fruit to your water glass or bottle or make a big pitcher of infused water for the day. Some of my favorite flavor combos are raspberry lime, strawberry basil, lemon cucumber, pineapple strawberry, and blackberry ginger. For a special treat, make your own agua fresca by blending fruit and herbs with water!
Love carbonation? Same! Grab a fizzy seltzer or make your own with a soda stream!
All of these tips and tricks are what helped me build the habit of 100oz of water a day! It can be challenging at first, but with time your body is going to crave all that water. Shop the post below to start your water-drinking habit and let me know your tips and tricks for drinking 100oz of water in the comments below!
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